Request an Appointment
We provide discreet services for women and families at no cost to you.
Select the location and time for your no-cost appointment request from the menu provided.
Please provide in the comment section as much information for your appointment as you can.
Such as the first day of your last period. As well as what you would like to be seen for. Example: Pregnancy Confirmation, Ultrasound, STI Testing, EWYL Classes, Resource Assistance, Options Counseling, etc...
If you are scheduling a Pregnancy Confirmation and your pregnancy test is positive, our nurse will assess and determine if a limited obstetrical ultrasound is appropriate. You must be at least 6 weeks from the first day of your last period to have an ultrasound. However, you can come in for Pregnancy Testing at any time!
This information allows us to better serve you!
After requesting an appointment you will receive a confirmation text from our offices letting you know an appointment has been scheduled successfully.
Additional appointment times may be available, please call to confirm.
You are our number one priority!
Feel free to email us at info@serenityprc.org or give us a call at (307) 213-5025!